I’m sure we have all at one time or another, maybe even this very minute, started a new project with enthusiasm and determination, only to have a stumbling block appear and we cannot think of a way to overcome it. We leave what we are doing and go and watch tv thinking all the while that it was a dumb idea to have started the project in the first place and that we won’t ever find a solution to the problem, or something similar. Now we’ve got the momentum of negativity going and the more we think like this the faster the negativity train goes … until the only solution we can think of is to give up!

Does this sound familiar?

Well I have the solution you can use the next time this happens to you … because there will be a next time!

When you come across a stumbling block, where you cannot think of a solution in that moment, the right thing to do IS to walk away and maybe watch tv. BUT the wrong thing to do is to think about the problem and all the things that have gone wrong and the reasons why you should stop doing the project.

Instead go and do something you love to do such as jogging, dancing, workout, knitting, singing or running around naked (only in your own home please!). When you do something you enjoy, you cannot be unhappy and you stop yourself from thinking about the problem. You get the positive momentum going and the more you do something fun the more positive you feel.

Eventually, when you have been doing something fun for at least 30 minutes, if not more, you can then go back to the problem and you will be in a better mindset to concentrate on finding a solution … which was probably right in front of you in the first place!

Trying to solve a problem by focusing on the problem just creates negativity and more problems. So the next time you feel yourself going down the slippery negativity slope, jump off quickly and change your vibration to fun and positivity.

Let me know what your fun activities are and if this technique works for you.

I believe in you.